Business Voice

PoINT is the all-inclusive, budget-friendly, hassle-free phone solution that is ideal for your business.

IT Consulting from AcenTek is the perfect solution for business that do not have the staff or resources for their own IT Department. Let our highly experienced staff start helping you today.


The system is engineered with auxiliary power so that even in a power outage your system will continue to function.


Pay one fixed monthly rate for everything you need, no phone system to buy. No additional fees for set-up, training, support, maintenance or repair.


We’ll handle everything from start to finish: set-up, training, support, maintenance and repair. It’s all included in one monthly rate.


Set up and training are included in the package. When you have questions, we’ll provide support. When a repair or maintenance is needed, we’ll provide it at no additional cost. Spend less time and effort on your phone system and more time running your business.


As your business grows so does your phone system. Expanding extensions and functionality happen seamlessly to keep your business running smoothly.

"We are a manufacturing business and our machines are very loud. We needed some extra bells and buzzers to sound for the phones on the floor so that we could hear the phones over that noise. AcenTek investigated how to do this and made it happen. The phone system was customized to work exactly how we needed it to work for our business."
Kolgol, Inc
Comparing Features AcenTek Other Providers
Voice Mail to Email Push
Virtual Receptionist
Caller ID
HD Quality Sound
Power Over Ethernet with Auxiliary Power
Enhanced 911
Fully Scalable
Follow Me
Web Portal
Dedicated Network
Free Installation & Maintenance
Training Included
24/7 Support
Wiring Pre-Qualification