October 2021

MVS Announces Change in Ownership by Welcoming AcenTek to Group

Midwest Video Solutions (MVS) announces a change in ownership structure, as AcenTek joins forces with current owners, Midwest Tel Net, Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. and WIN Technology.

This announcement comes after a letter of intent has been executed, with an expected completion date of December 31, 2021, for the inclusion of AcenTek as an official fourth owner of MVS.

This partnership will update AcenTek’s video options for customers. This opens up the possibility of using apps and streaming-capable devices for their entertainment purposes and will eliminate the need for set top boxes in the customer’s home. This partnership will help AcenTek to reduce equipment while adding features and improving our customer’s video service experiences. MVS, a headend and transport company offering wholesale video signal to affiliate members on an international scale, provides signal that powers two solutions. An affiliate member has the option to provide a traditional IPTV experience, consumed via a standard set top box, or provide a signal that powers a streaming solution through the customer’s device. These two solutions can be combined to satisfy the needs of a multi-generational household.

Darren Moser, AcenTek CFO states, “Our investment into MVS, as an owner, will ensure access to the latest and greatest video solution technologies in order to best serve our customers.” He continues, “We are excited to join the ownership structure of MVS to help influence the way MVS can continue to serve all of its members with a video offering today, and into the future.”

With AcenTek joining forces, MVS will recognize immediate growth as AcenTek transitions their existing video subscribers over to MVS’s headend, located in Independence, WI.

MVS Executive Director, Marty Snustead states, “Adding AcenTek to the ownership group fits within our strategic direction of expanding video opportunities into additional markets. In addition, as AcenTek looks to transition their subscribers over to MVS, they will have the ability to turn their headend down, while saving expense, all while giving them access to a streaming solution that MVS has already deployed to meet the current market needs. It is a win-win.”

The existing three owners, as well as AcenTek, are excited to see what the future holds for MVS. The fresh ideas, the growth opportunity, and the resources that MVS will gain access to through this additional owner makes this an exciting opportunity. MVS stands to gain market share, grow, and have additional resources because of this.

Chief Executive Officer for AcenTek, Todd Roesler further explains, “The investment in MVS is consistent with our mission of providing unparalleled connections and experiences. It allows AcenTek to keep the focus on our customers in the areas that we understand best, while trusting MVS to provide us the service that they are experts in, the video piece of the puzzle.”

About MVS

For over 20 years MVS has been a Headend and Transport provider, with national transport rights, for linear signal, offering encrypted satellite video signals on fiber optic networks. Internet service providers (ISP’s), independent phone companies and municipalities all count on MVS to provide a high quality, low-cost solution for their video deployment. MVS is a member driven organization headquartered in Westby, Wisconsin.

About AcenTek: The birth AcenTek dates to1950, when a group of determined farmers came together with the sole purpose of improving rural telephone service in Minnesota. Now, more than 70 years later, AcenTek provides Internet, Voice, Video and Business Services to regions in Minnesota, Iowa, and Michigan. AcenTek is headquartered in Houston, Minnesota.